Source quality products

Source Quality Products in UK

Existing Suppliers

You don’t need to change your processes. You can use our platform to interact with your existing suppliers. You can automate ordering, have a common repository for invoices, keep an eye on your stock and have an alert system to handle your orders efficiently. You have the platform installed on your servers therefore you can handle all the data.

New Suppliers

Obviously if you are after something new and you would like to source it, you can look for it in our database or make a request and we can on-board the right product for you.

For a UK Buyer, our mission is to streamline the process of onboarding new products and new suppliers. Leading you to significant savings and less time spent making sense of product offering. The fact that we mainly work with overseas suppliers make the end result even more powerful as you overcome cultural and linguistic differences too.

Post Sourcing

Once a Supplier is onboarded, the platform is fully operational to handle the relationship with them. Hence it is also useful for existing suppliers.